Wednesday, February 6, 2013






1. The JR scholar’s university/laboratory/institution must appoint a three-member Doctoral Committee (DC) within three months of the issuance of the JR award letter and this DC has to have the approval of the Indian Scientific Advisory Committee of the Trust.  The DC should comprise of the Guide (Convenor), a Professor grade faculty and another faculty working in related areas of science.  At the end of each year, the Scholar will present the work done to the DC and a summary of the work done along with approval of the DC members should be sent to the Trust’s ISAC for renewal of the scholarship for the subsequent year

2. The JR Scholar must complete the formalities for Ph.D. registration within 9 months to 14 months from the date of joining the award, otherwise the Trust will terminate the scholarship.

3. It is to be noted that while the Trust awards a five-year scholarship to fresh M.Sc.s (2 year as JRS and 3 years as SRS), the tenure of this scholarship will be continued only up to the vivo voce of the thesis submitted for the Ph.D. requirements.  The student   must send a copy of the synopsis of the thesis to the Trust when it is submitted to the respective University and inform the date when the thesis is submitted and when the viva voce is scheduled.  A copy of the provisional certificate after completion of the Ph.D. requirements must also be submitted to the Trust (Points 1 to 3 strictly for Junior Scholarship awardees).

4. The awardee must devote his/her whole time to the research work undertaken by him/her.  All other scholarships, posts or awards must be relinquished before the Lady Tata Memorial Trust Award is accepted.

5. The awardee will engage in the scientific work as approved by the Indian Scientific Advisory Committee of the Trust to the entire satisfaction of the Trustees who reserve the right to withhold payment.  He/she will be required to submit in the month of August his/her progress report online together with of a covering letter from the Guide giving his/her critical comments on the work done by the awardee as per requirements given by the Trust.  The scholarship is liable to be terminated without notice if the progress made on the research project, as per the annual progress report, is found to be unsatisfactory or if any unfavourable report is received from the Doctoral Committee (for Junior Scholarship) / Director of the Institute or the Head of the Department under whom the awardee may be working.

6. A contingency grant not exceeding Rs.20,000/- per annum for the purchase of chemicals or glass apparatus, maintenance of animals, and such other items as are ordinarily admissible for contingent expenditure, may be made if found necessary.  Allowance will also be made for covering the registration fees and second class sleeper travel, to and fro, within the country for attending seminar/conference/meeting, etc. as participant or for presentation of abstract / poster presentation.  The institution to which the awardee is associated will be expected to provide at its cost the supplies normally made available to the research workers.  The estimate of the contingent expenditure indicating clearly the items needed should be sent to the Trust before the 31st August 2013.  In the event of the contingency grant being sanctioned, claims for reimbursement of the actual expenditure incurred by the scholar will be entertained on production of original bills and vouchers pertaining thereto, together with a covering statement in duplicate of expenses incurred, duly endorsed by his/her University/Institute.  Such claims for reimbursement are to be made in accordance with the instructions which are given in the letter of award sanctioning the contingency grant to the scholar.  Claims for reimbursement must be sent so as to reach the Secretary, Lady Tata Memorial Trust, before 31st  August each year.

7. Sick leave may be granted at the discretion of the Research Guide but cases of such leave should be immediately reported to the Trust.  A case of absence exceeding ten days on account of serious illness or any other reason should be referred to the Trust for consideration.

8. The awardee will strictly not be permitted, except for very exceptional reasons supported by documentary evidence, to abandon his/her research work in the middle of the academic year as this defeats the very purpose of the Scholarship and is viewed with strong disfavour by the Trust.

9. A selected candidate, if after having accepted our Award abandons the research work before completing it or relinquishes the scholarship in the middle of an academic year on the ground that he/she has been offered an award of a higher value by another funding agency/organisation, or has secured alternate employment, he/she will be called upon to refund the entire scholarship amount plus the amount paid for contingency/HRA expenditure and the concerned university / institute will not be considered for the Trust scholarships for the next two academic years.  A Bond will have to be executed to this effect by the awardee, and countersigned by the concerned guide, at the time of accepting our Award.  Applications for relinquishing a Scholarship must be sent to the Trust one month prior to the date of such relinquishment.

10. Claims for House Rent Allowance, where applicable, should be made latest by the 10th September 2013, together with the latest original receipt as proof of occupancy.  Any claims made after that period will not be entertained.

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