Any agency thatwould like to utilize Aadhaar Authentication to enable its services will need to sign
up as an ‘Authentication User Agency’ (AUA) and enter into an agreement with UIDAI. An AUA can
use Aadhaar authentication to enable one or more of their services. The AUA in turn will need to
engage with an ‘Authentication Service Agency’ (ASA). ASA is an agency that has established secure
leased line connectivity to the Central Information Data Repository (CIDR) at UIDAI to transmit
authentication request on behalf of AUAs and receive response back from CIDR. ASAs build and
maintain their secure connectivity to CIDR in compliance with the standards and specifications set
by UIDAI. An AUA has the option of connecting to the CIDR by itself or through an existing ASA.
Further, an agency desiring to use Aadhaar authentication could choose to become an AUA or it
could choose to access Aadhaar authentication services through an existingAUA. In the latter case, it
becomes a subAUAof the existingAUAwhich it engages.Anoverview of the operating model and the
transaction process flowis illustrated below:
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