Advanced Diploma in Hardware & Networking Technologies
ADHNT Syllabus
Candidates are required to attempt all questions from Part A and 9 questions of Part B out of 12.
Section I
What is computer? Characteristics of Computers. How Computers evolved. Some earlier computers like Mark-I, EDVAC, EDVAC, EDSAC, UNIVAC. The five computer generations-key technologies, features and characteristics of each generation.
Basic Computer Organisation
Five basic operations of a computer. Block diagram showing basic organization of a computer system. Input Unit, Output Unit. Storage Unit: Primary storage, Secondary Storage. Arithmetic Logic Unit. Control Unit. Central Processing Unit. The System Concept. The Main Memory. Main Memory Organisation. Main Memory Capacity. RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, UVEPROM, EEPROM. Cache Memory.
Number Systems
Non-Positional Number Systems, Positional Number Systems: Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number system, Converting from one number system to another.
Computer Arithmetic
Why binary numbers instead of decimal numbers. 7-bit ASCII Code. Binary arithmetic: Addition, Subtraction.
Section II
Secondary Storage Devices
Secondary Storage Devices: Limitations of primary storage, Sequential and Direct-Access Devices. Magnetic Disk, Basic principle of operation, Storage Organisation, Storage Capacity, Access mechanism, Access Time: Seek Time, Latency, Transfer Rate. Disk Formatting, Disk Drive, Disk Controller, Types of Magnetic Disks, Floppy Disks, Floppy-disk Drive, 3½-inch Floppy Disk, Hard Disks: Zip Disks, Disk Packs, Winchester Disk, Advantages and Limitations of Magnetic Disks, Uses of Magnetic Disks. Optical Disk, Basic principle of operation, Storage organization, Storage capacity,
Access Mechanism, Access Time, Optical Disk Drive, Types of Optical Disks: CD-ROM, WORM Disk, Advantages and Limitations of Optical Disks, Uses of Optical Disks
Input Devices
Keyboard. Point and Draw Devices: Mouse, Trackball, Joystick, Electronic pen, Touch Screen. Data Scanning Devices: Image Scanner: Flat-Bed and Hand-held Scanner, Optical Character Recognition Device, Optical mark reader, Bar-Code Reader, Magnetic-Ink Character Recognition. Digitizer. Electronic-card Reader. Voice Recognition Devices. Vision-Input System
Output Devices
Monitors Printers: Dot-Matrix Printers, Inkjet Printers, Laser Printers. Screen Image Projector. Voice Response Systems: Voice Reproduction System, Speech Synthesizer
Computer Software
What is Software? Relationship between Hardware and Software, Types of Software: System Software, Application Software, Functions of System Software, Type of System Software: Operating Systems, Language Translators, Utility Programs, Communications Software. Application Software, Commonly Used Application Softwares: Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Personal Assistance, Education, Entertainment Software. Logical System Architecture showing relationship between hardware, system software, application software and users of a computer system. Firmware
Computer Languages
Analogy with natural languages, Machine Language, Advantages and Limitations of Machine Language, Assembly language: Assembler. Advantages of Assembly Language over Machine Language. Limitation of Assembly Language, High-Level Language: Compiler. Linker, Interpreter. Advantages and Limitations of High Level Languages, Some High Level Languages: Basic, Pascal, C, C++, Java.
Section III
Operating Systems
What is an Operating System? Main Functions of an Operating System. Measuring System Performance: Throughput, Turnaround time, Response time. Process Management: Process management in early systems. Multiprogramming: Requirements. Multitasking. Multiprocessing: Advantages and limitations. Difference between Multiprogramming and Multiprocessing. Timesharing: Requirements, Advantages. Memory management: Uniprogramming, Multiprogramming with fixed and variable number of memory partitions. Virtual memory: How is virtual memory realized? , Advantages and disadvantages of virtual memory. File management: File access methods-Sequential and Random access files, File operations, File naming. Command Interpretation: Command line interface, Graphical user interface. Some popular operating systems: Unix, MS-DOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux
The Internet
What is Internet? Brief History. Electronic mail. File Transfer Protocol. World Wide Web. WWW Browsers. Uses of the Internet
Classification of Computers
Notebook computers, Personal Computers, Workstations, Mainframe Systems, Supercomputers, Clients and servers.
The question paper will consist of Two parts, A and B. Part A will have 15 short answer
questions (40-60 words) of 2 marks each. Part B will have 12 long answer questions of 5 marks each.
The syllabus of the subject is divided into 3 sections I, II and III. The question paper will cover the entire syllabus uniformly. Part A will carry 5 questions from each section and Part B will carry 4 questions from each section.
Candidates are required to attempt all questions from Part A and 9 questions of Part B out of 12.
Section I
Structure of C Programming
Structure of a C Program, Execution of a C Program
Basic Elements
Character set, Identifiers and Keywords, Data Types, Constants, Variables, Declaration of Variables, Expressions, Statements, Overflow and underflow, Reading data from keyboard, Symbolic constants.
Operators and Expressions
Arithmetic operators, Integer arithmetic, Real arithmetic, Mixed mode arithmetic, Relational Operators, logical Operator, Assignment Operators, Increment and Decrement Operators, Conditional Operator. Arithmetic Expressions and their evaluation
Section II
Input and Output Operations
Reading a character, Writing a character, Formatted input and Output
Control Statements
if statement, switch statement, goto statement, while statement, do-while statement, for statement. Jumping in/out of a loop, Skipping part of a loop.
One dimensional array, Two dimensional array, Multidimensional array.
Section III
Character Strings
Reading and Writing Strings, Arithmetic operators on Characters, Putting Strings together, Comparison of Two Strings, Functions for String handling: strcat, strcmp, strcpy, strlen
User Defined Functions
Advantages of User defined functions, Defining a function, Category of functions, Function Prototypes, Recursion, Function with arrays, Nested functions, variables in functions
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